Bath Repair UK
Phone Number
07710 098 990​​
Business Hours

Mon - Sat : 8 Am - 6 Pm


Acrylic Bath Repair

Acrylic baths are the same as Fiberglass baths or Plastic baths they are just different names for the same bath material. For Acrylic baths, repairs fall into 5 categories 

All of these are repairable! Look at our gallery and see the results for yourself. Acylic baths are made of 2/3 layers. Layer 1 is the acrylic top surface known as the acrylic cap. This is fused to a sub-surface Layer 2 : fibreglass that’s why some people say we have a fibreglass bath


Bath Enamel Repairs

Enamel baths, sometimes called metal baths or steel baths are all the same bath. There is one variation which hasn’t been in the market for over 50 years, and these are a type of heavy cast iron or heavy steel baths. You can still buy cast iron baths in roll top form but they are a specialist order.

How The Baths Differ

Steel baths, or more correctly called pressed steel baths, are just that. They are made from steel sheet which is pressed into shape. The bath is then stove enameled, hence why they are also referred to as enameled baths . The enameling surface is what gives the bath its colour, hardness and durability.


Composite Bath Repairs

If you have a composite bath, you know they are designed to last a long time. But over time, even the best-made mixed baths can develop cracks, chips, and other damage. When this happens, it’s essential to get professional help to ensure that your bath is repaired correctly and looks as good as new.

At Bath Chip Repairs, we specialize in repairing Composite Bath Repairs London. No matter what damage your bath has sustained, we can fix it. We’ve been in business for years and have repaired thousands of baths. If you have a Composite bath, we’d be happy to take a look at the bathtub that needs to be repaired. 

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