Bath Repair UK
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07710 098 990​​
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Mon - Sat : 8 Am - 6 Pm

Bath Enamel Repairs


Best Chipped Metal Bath Repair

If you want the best-chipped metal bath repair, then call us. Our enamel bath repairs are second to none. I have rarely come across another repair that matches our standard. Most repairers are unaware of the “secrets” behind the repair. Those who have discovered the secret have a second disadvantage to us. They don’t have our fillers, which we guarantee will not come out for the baths’ limited lifetime.

The final area where no one else meets our standard is the final finish’s durability. Not only is our repair invisible with an excellent colour match, but our durability is also unmatched. We carry out repairs for hotels to redo repairs that other companies’ repairs have failed.

Featured Projects

Our Bath Enamel Repair Works

“To see our amazing work, click on the images below.”

Cast Iron Baths And Heavy Steel Baths

Cast iron baths and heavy steel baths had three layers. The cast iron, Fused silica media – gives it its colour and then a glaze to give it its shine. It is crucial to repair pressed steel baths quickly and professionally. The steel on baths has an anti-rust coating which, if ruptured or worn away, will immediately cause rust. Rust is mental cancer.

Leave it long enough, and the bath can’t be saved. In such circumstances, you could be left with an expensive bath replacement cost. It is far cheaper and quicker to have a professional bath chip repair carried out.

Bath Enamel Repairs London

Enamel baths, sometimes called metal baths or steel baths are all the same baths. There is one variation which hasn’t been in the market for over 50 years, and these are a type of heavy cast iron or heavy steel baths. You can still buy cast iron baths in roll top form but they are a specialist order.

How The Baths Differ

Steel baths, or more correctly called pressed steel baths, are just that. They are made from steel sheet which is pressed into shape. The bath is then stove enamelled, hence why they are also referred to as enamelled baths. The enamelling surface is what gives the bath its colour, hardness and durability.

See our gallery for the types of steel baths we’ve repaired. See some of the severely rusted baths that we’ve managed to save. Call us now to book

Book Your Bath Enamel Repairs London Service Today!

Our professionals are happy to help make the service as stress-free as possible! In addition, we are flexible with our schedule. So if you are looking for a Bath enameling company – our expert services in London will be tailored to your needs and requirements.

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